One of the biggest problem on earth today is nuclear bombs or war threats, but the belief that everyone has the right to have an opinion in all questions.
"Yeah, I hear what you're saying. You really have a lot of experience and wisdom in this matter! You are giving me excellent advise! But. I still think that I'm gonna do this my way..."
An opinion is defined;
a person's right to see something. And we all have that right eh?
Of course, you are welcome to believe and think, but sometimes it turnes out terribly wrong. I'm not talking about small every day life things now, not even about demorcracy or politics, areas where your voice is very important;
but about where we want to express our "opinions" above the Word of God.
I heard such a great message about this last weekend. It really got me thinking...
What really happened in the Garden of Eden at the beginning of man?
God gave man a free will, we need this to be able to love. A free will gives us an opportunity to choose, or it's a false free will, not a real one.
So, creation was never perfect until God told man that she could not eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. There was the choice = that is where the free will has set into motion = that is where man received the ability to love God!
What what happened one day? Eve is looking at the tree, deceived by the devil. "
Should God really have said?" "You must understand that He didn't really mean that you would die! Haha, you have misunderstood everything!" You will become like God with knowledge on good and evil! Come on, eat!"
Lies, lies, lies! Everything! God as no knowledge on evil...
only on that which is good!
Well, there is where Eve is introduced to the idea that she has the right to an opinion.
Remember; Eve was no big sinner. She didn't sniff cocain behind the tree in the Garden of Eden. No, she was tempted by pride,
to know better.
She started believing in herself, her opinion started to be important to her.
"I have the right to an opinion in this matter. After all, I live here!" "It doesn't feel wrong to do this..." It is when you and I start believing in our own opinions more than the Word of God that we are in danger.
People really believe in their own opinions! They don't do this primarily to mock Christians, but because they believe that they have the right to believe in such a way.
And they (we) sin just like Eve actually did. Every day.
Do you have areas in your life where you, just like Eve, know what God has said, but are argumenting with yourself saying; "He doesn't literally mean that." Or "I must have the right to do this my way anyways" or if you often hear yourself say; "I interpret this Bible verse this way..." so that it will suit your ways better?
Then maybe it's time to learn the old truth abut
submission and obedience again and let go of
"your opinion." Do you dare submit to the thought that God knows better than you, even if you think that it
"feels" wrong?
There and then freedom and blessings can be birthed in your life!
The way there? His name is Jesus!